CHA Medical Centre
The Centre Health Medical Centre is an outstanding accomplishment for the benefit of the medical profession and a valuable addition to the community service. It is the result of extensive research and the expertise of a team of medical, management and IT professionals.
Our goal began with the purpose to simplify healthcare, by bringing everything you need into one centralized location with friendly staff and highly qualified medical professionals.
We currently have three main locations, Barrack Heights (Shellharbour), Unanderra and Campbelltown. You can click on the location closest to you to learn more about exactly what services are provided, directions to the centre, and contact information.
1800 022 222
Check each practice page for more details.
If you have any feedback or wish to make a complaint, forms are located at all reception desks and from the link below. If we cannot resolve the issue please feel free to contact;
Ph: (02) 9219 7444
Toll Free: 1800 043 159
Hearing Impaired: (02) 9219 7555 or contact the National Relay Service on 133 677
Address: Level 13, 323 Castlereagh Street (corner of Hay St) SYDNEY NSW 2000
Email communication with patients is discouraged.
Communications via email or over the internet are not secure.
Although it is unlikely, there is a possibility that information you include in an email can be intercepted and read by other
parties besides the person to whom it is addressed. Please do not include personal identifying information such as your birth date, or personal medical information in any emails you send to us. No one can diagnose your condition via email or other written communications, and communication via electronic avenues cannot replace the relationship you have with a physician or another healthcare practitioner
Our practice is mindful that even if patients have provided electronic contact details, they may not be proficient
in communicating via electronic means and patient consent needs to be obtained before engaging in electronic communication. Electronic communication includes email, facsimile and Short Message Service (SMS).
If on the rare occasion it does occur, communication with patients via electronic means is conducted with appropriate regard to privacy.
Centre Health Medical Centre has a social media policy
which provides guidance for members of the practice on using social media internally and externally. The policy helps
identify and mitigate risks associated with social media use.
The practice will appoint a staff member as a social media officer responsible for managing and monitoring the practice’s social media accounts. All posts on the practice’s social media website must be approved by this staff member. The practice reserves the right to remove any
content at its own discretion.
The practice’s social media channels are part of our customer service and are monitored and dealt with regularly.
Immediate notifications are set up for monitoring
and response – We aim to respond to all enquiries or complaints within 1 day, the platforms are updated weekly when necessary.
This practice is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of your personal health information. Your medical record is a confidential document. It is the policy of this practice to maintain security of personal health information at all times and to ensure that this information is only available to authorised members of staff and healthcare providers.
As a patient of our medical practice, we require you to provide us with your personal details and full medical history, so that we may properly assess, diagnose, treat and be proactive in your health care needs. For more information about how we collect and use your health information please see our Privacy Policy.
- Male or female doctors available
- Skin Cancer Checks Available
- 4 Year Old Health Assessments & Vaccinations
- 45 – 49 Year Old Health Assessments
- Chronic Disease Management
- Asthma Cycle of Care
- Diabetes Cycle of Care
- Co-Ordinate Veterans Care Program
- Dressings
- Electrocardiogram (ECG)
- Pre-Employment Medicals
- Mirena Insertion & Removal
- Pap Smears
- IUD Insertion & Removal
- Workers Compensation
- Minor Surgery
- Flu Vaccinations
- Spirometry
- Endocrinologist
- Neurologist
- Gynecologist
- Audiometry
- Ophthalmologist
- Podiatrist
- Dietitian
- Psychologist
- Laverty Pathology
- Pharmacy
- Illawarra Cardiology
- Nuclear Medicine
- RMB Lawyers
- IGA – Supermarket
- Centre Health Café

Wollongong Hi-Tech Holistic Health Care City
Introduction to our planning for Wollongong Hi-Tech Holistic Health Care City (WHHHC)
The concept of Wollongong Hitech Holistic Healthcare City (WHHHC) has evolved over the years through local, national, and international research. The concept is evidence based and it takes into consideration WHO Guidelines , Educational, Environment , Cultural and Social dimensions.
Our Proposed facility Wollongong Hitech Holistic Healthcare City as a whole is one project that is proposed to develop in stages and each stage has been designed to be complimentary to each other. The subject site adjoins the existing suburb of Berkely and is immediately adjacent to the Southern Freeway. It has a total area of approximately 17 hectares. Access to the site is via Warwick Street or through Councils own land ( lot 2 DP 860917 ) that adjoins the site and connects it with Nolan Street. WHHHC encompasses a mix of medical services , including :
Hospital Services
Holistic Medical Hospital
Dementia and Mental Health Hospital
Rehabilitation Hospital & Day Surgery
Ancillary Facilties

- Healthcare Informatics, Education , Training, R&D, Restaurant, & Monument.
- Nursing Home & Hostel
- Accommodation for staff nurses , Doctors and Holistic Huts.
- Community Facilities
- Holistic Course
- Medical Centre
- Senior Living
- Parking
- Information Office.
WHHHC will have a Holistic Medical Hospital, it will have a modern hospital complex which integrates the best of Western and Alternative medicines. The Hospital will provide medical service with International Standards in a picturesque environment, operating under advanced modern enterprise management models.
A separate facility will be dedicated to the in house care of Dementia and Mental health hospital. This facility will fulfill the need of the community of Illawarra region. The WHHHC will also have a rehabilitation hospital and will provide high quality care to patients recovering from orthopaedic surgery, strokes, work- related injuries and those individuals requiring general rehabilitation. The mission is to work in partnership with patients and their families or friends to promote maximum restoration of function, optimum quality of life and reintegration into their community following injury and disability.
The current research based evidence indicates that ideally the senior residential living and hostel, including the nursing home should be in close proximity and nearby there needs to be a medical centre. Senior Resident apartments would also be made available on the lines of hospital styled serviced nursing apartments where professional nurses will provide the residents with 24 hours considerate care. This will integrate medical and health care for the elderly, with leisure and recreation in a comprehensive program. These ancillary services will complement the medical rehabilitation, mental health hospital services.
The WHHHC will have a medical centre, to provide the medical care for the inhabitants and the local community. It will be an Integrative medical centre, having provision for General Medical Practitioners, dentists, all allied health practitioners and visiting specialists. Accommodation for healthcare providers/practitioners will be provided onsite to facilitate their easy accessibility.
The holistic course will have facilities for yoga, reiki, laughter therapy, mediatation , aura and pranic healing. The area will be landscaped with beautiful picnic/barbeque areas interspersed with walking/cycling tracks for the community.
The location has been well researched and chosen, it is a central location in Wollongong, and WHHHC will not only complement the natural landscape of the area as a well designed Eco-friendly, modern, and high tech facility but will be offering broad range of services to a wide spectrum of age groups.
WHHHC will further contribute to the economic development of Illawarra, it will enrich prospects for greater tourism in the Illawarra region, promote International connections between Local, National, and International Communities. “WHHHC” evidence based, sustainable industry will add to further job growth in the area and contribute well to local economy.
The WHHHC facility has been architecturally designed in detail to provide an attractive, pleasant, green, modern and safe environment for the Community with minimal impact on the Environment. In fact WHHHC will be a benchmark in design to highlight establishment of a model healthcare facility for futuristic design of Eco-friendly living. This facility will form basis of a Four Corner Establishment in Healthcare that will compliment Healthcare Resources in Illawarra region provided by University of Wollongong and Nan Tien Temple as well as our Shellharbour Hi-Tech Health Care City Project.
Pdf File With Details
Regarding WHHHC
WHHC Projects
Pdf File With Details
Regarding WHHHC
Pdf File With Details
Regarding WHHHC
Centre Health Medical Centre has many associated services for your convenience, such as a chemist, post office and supermarket and
cafe. Our chemist will be able to service you for all of your prescriptions and more. The post office is equipped with all the services your
are accustomed to, and IGA can help you with all of your grocery needs. Why not relax in our cafe while our professional baristas make
you a perfect cup of coffee.
Click through for more.
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