Shellharbour Family Medical Practice , located at Centre Health Medical Centre is an approved teaching Medical Practice for the medical students of Graduate School of Medicine, University Of Wollongong.
Phase 1 & 3 Medical Students regularly attend clinics at Centre Health Medical Centre and enormously benefit from the clinical experience of Senior General Practitioners.
Centre Health Medical Centre is committed to the education of medical students, nurses and other allied health professionals in order to contribute towards more skilled medical workforce for Australia.
Centre Health Medical Centre has collaborated with the University of Wollongong to institute an Industry PhD scholarship for the investigation of Integration of primary health care through Information technology.
A PhD student has been provided all the facilities for conducting research at the Centre Health Medical Centre along with financial support to conduct this research . Centre health complex is dedicated to developing innovative and new solutions for the challenges facing the Australian healthcare industry with their state of the art research facility .
Very shortly, Clinical trials will be instituted at Centre Health Medical Centre. This is an endeavour to find better medicines to combat the scourage of various diseases.

- School Leavers
- Tafe Students
- Medical Students
- Masters Students
- Research and Development (PH.D)
Many school leavers have been provided employment as juniors at the Centre Health Medical Centre. They have been encouraged to join TAFE to enhance their skills and knowledge. They have become productive individuals and have joined the Australian Health workforce. This is an initiative of CHC management to make a significant contribution to the Australian Community and add more numbers to the Australian health workforce.

Many of the employees at Centre Health complex have been sponsored to attend TAFE and enhance their education and skills. On the job training has also been provided from time to time keeping in view the emerging trends and needs of the Centre Health Medical Centre. The CHC management encourages its employees to upgrade their skills and continue to be productive individuals for the company and for the Australian community.

Shellharbour Family Medical Practice , Located at Centre Health Medical Centre is an approved teaching medical practice for the medical students of Graduate School of Medicine , University Of Wollongong.
Phase 1 & 3 Medical Students regularly attend clinics at Centre health Medical Centre and enormously benefit from the clinical experience of Senior General Medical Practitioners.
Centre Health Medical Centre is committed to the education of medical students, nurses and other allied health professionals in order to contribute towards more skilled workforce for Australia.

Development (PH.D)
Centre Health Medical Centre is an Industry partner with the University Of Wollongong for a Ph.D scholarship for the investigation of Integration of Primary Health Care through Information technology. A full time Ph. D and a Masters scholars have been appointed at Centre Health Medical Centre to conduct the research. The Centre Health Medical Centre is dedicated to developing innovative and new solutions for the challenges facing the Australian Primary HealthCare industry with the development of new solutions .

I believe that I have benefited greatly by completing the course Business Administration Certificate 3 for many reasons.
The course has helped me enhance my skills in using Microsoft Office applications, particularly Word and Excel.
I now also have a better understanding of all safety issues that I am responsible for and all the other staff and visitors attending the Centre Health Medical Centre.
I also feel that the extra training that I received by attending Tafe has helped me improve my skills in making better decisions in assisting management, staff and customers working or attending the Centre Health Medical Centre.
Renee Megas
Team Member